RL Warren
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Publications/Presentations/Patents PDF
SARS-CoV-2 mutation timemaps
Scientific Author Rankings
[2024] Featured in CGEn's 2023-24 report
[2024] PHSA Growth & Development Fund recipient
[2020] Featured in Science-In-The-City, ntJoin development
[2015|16|21|22|24] John Jambor Knowledge Fund recipient
[2015] Speaker/Mentor at BC Student Biotech Network SBN
[2011] Colon cancer(CRC)-Fusobacterium, TIME magazine's top 10 breakthroughs
[2011] Newspaper interview, Fusobacterium+CRC discovery
[2011] TV interview, Fusobacterium+CRC discovery
[2009] Interviewed with The Scientist for work on profiling T cell metagenomes
[2009] SSAKE packaged in the Debian operating system
[2009] SSAKE short-listed in the editorial of the scientific journal Bioinformatics
[2008] One of 6 experts invited to discuss NGS bioinformatics
[2008] SSAKE recognized by Russ Altman, MD PhD as one of 27 publication with most impact
[2007] Interviewed by GenomeWeb for the release of SSAKE
[2006|14] SSAKE one of four 3rd-party genomics application recommended by Illumina Ltd
[2002|04] Interviewed with french CBC about the Genome Centre+bovine genome
[2001] Co-engineered a gene switch (NRC-BRI) - work patented+sold
[1995] Worked at NASA with the purpose of crystallizing proteins under microgravity
Showcased (in the media)
Stars and Skies
Nature album
Space shuttle
Poems | Venturing into the unknown
Yukon | A photographic journey
Cosmos | Journey into ethereal beauty
Instagram | @stilledverses